Sunday 23 May 2010

May 24th 2010 Day 13

Wake up at 5.55am to another beautiful day. Don't even mind that it's Monday...

Day 13 in the ConDem Nation and I wonder what it will bring? Apparently news of cuts and job losses. As someone said on 'Today' earlier, all jobs in education are 'front line'. I'm hoping none of my colleagues have inadvertently voted themselves out of a job.

On R4 last night a LibDem MP was explaining why their party had changed its mind about starting cuts now instead of next year as in their manifesto - apparently it's because of Greece. Well, that's alright then!

The question of which Miliband continues to amble round my mind... David? Ed? David? Ed? Oooh choices, choices!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah

    Great blog - forthright and passionate!

    Go for Ed! A man of great intelligence and integrity who will guarantee a return to the true principles of the Labour Party.
