Wednesday 26 May 2010

May 26th 2010 Day 15

The Queen's Speech

David Cameron was, in my opinion, a little more aggressive and combative than was either necessary or suited the occasion yesterday, in what he said after the Queen's Speech. Actually he was downright rude. The Labour government were not responsible for the credit crunch and the ensuing world recession. I think he'll find the money people bear the burden of that. The previous government chose to apply the fiscal stimulus rather than abandon people and businesses to their fate in the way that the Thatcher government did in the early 80s. It's hard to see that the outcome of that decision so far was wrong in human terms. Maybe we do owe money - aren't we as a people worth a little debt?

To call the Labour government wasteful, irresponsible etc is to make cheap shots which I can only hope show Mr Cameron up as the callous, privileged old Etonian he really is. Where was he in the early 80s when Toxteth and Brixton and Handsworth exploded? Did he think or care about the children of miners who were striking to try to hold on to a future for their communities in the face of Mrs Thatcher's determination to 'break them'? Or did he just cheer her on? No doubt he was far too busy playing rugger at prep school and being de-bagged in the Sixth form at Eton... He simply doesn't know what it is like to be an ordinary person in this country, and jeering at those who have tried to help, enable and empower them only reveals the depth of this ignorance.

If we really are going to have 'grown-up' politics, Mr Cameron will need to stop behaving like a braying Hooray and grow up himself.

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